Excellence in Print Ad / Direct Mail Piece

DRHBA Awards of Excellence 2021 | Durham Region Home Builders' Association


Judged on the basis of effectiveness of communication, visual impact, creativity, purpose of the advertising, and the media environment for which it was created.

The 2021 Awards of Excellence pertain to projects launched or ongoing in the 2020 calendar year. However, the project does not have to remain on the market at the time that the Awards package submissions are due. Builders, professionals, suppliers, manufacturers, trade contractors and any other DRHBA member are eligible to submit applications for the Awards of Excellence pursuant to the following eligibility requirements:

1. The applicant must be a member in good standing of the DRHBA as of December 31, 2020 in order to submit an application.

2. The applicant must be a member in good standing of the DRHBA on the night of the Awards of Excellence in order to receive an award.

3. All entries must be for projects active between January 1 and December 31, 2020.

4. All projects must be located in the Durham Region.

sponsor logo
Fernview Construction
  • Description of project
  • Two complete print ad / direct mail pieces (front and back) - PDF
  • Project Name
  • Date the project opened for sale
  • Success
    number of homes/units available and number of units sold
  • Who helped you?
    Specify person and/or company (must be a DRHBA member company).
Criterion Weight
Concept & creativity 25.0%
Effectiveness 25.0%
Visual impact 25.0%
Brand identity 25.0%