Builder of the Year – Large Volume

Awards of Excellence 2023 | Durham Region Home Builders' Association


Large Volume Builders will produce an annual unit volume of 51 or more.

  • Description of company - Maximum 500 Words
  • How has your company demonstrated sales and marketing, and customer service excellence that goes above and beyond? - Maximum 500 Words
  • Photos
    Various community aspects including architectural design and site plan. jpg, jpeg, gif, png
  • What innovations (including but not limited to products, designs, systems, and environmental) does your company/adopt and/or employ and why? - Maximum 500 Words
  • Total closed sales for 2022
  • How has your company demonstrated community service that goes above and beyond? - Maximum 500 words
  • How has your company demonstrated support for the industry (including locally, provincially, nationally) - Maximum 500 Words
  • Who helped you?
    Specify person and/or company (must be a DRHBA member company).
  • Why is your company a leader in the building industry within Ontario? - Maximum 500 Words
  • Link to video (optional):
    You may add a link to a video you have uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo.
Criterion Weight
Advertising and marketing 20.0%
Product designs and appeal 20.0%
Community involvement 20.0%
Support of industry 20.0%
Sales success 20.0%